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The TESOL Institute vision is to create a nationally and internationally online school, that is known for its excellence in teaching and giving students the skills they need to successfully learn how to speak and use their English language skills. The TESOL Institute recognizes the importance of Learning English. Our goal is to help each student obtain the confidence that is needed to learn and speak English. We are committed to our student’s success


We customize each class based on your needs and interests. You are not stuck with a set curriculum — learn what you want to learn

No Tuition

You pay by the lesson. Don’t worry about expensive up-front fees. You can learn at your own pace.

Have the option of learning by video, by phone, or by instant messaging


You can learn anytime, anywhere. Take lessons from home, before or after you go to work, whenever and wherever it’s convenient.

Free 10 min English Lesson
Try a free sample lesson.

Equipment you need to take an English Lesson
You need a computer with broadband, a headset with microphone and free registration with Skype computer, calling by downloading the free software from www.skype.com.

Not only do we teach and have top quality teachers; we are a professional all in one in house writing service. We deliver the highest quality at an affordable price. We check for plagiarism, spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors for all essays.

Edit my papers


Contact Us


E-mail: tesolinstitute@gmail.com

Phone: +1 877-837-6585 (877-TESOL85)
Fax: (888) 534-5733

Whatsapp:  803-810-1184



Lugoff, SC USA